Hip Hop Says Graffiti Jam

With a wide collection of graffiti artists, some travelling internationally, joining together for a day of spray artistry what can one expect? Apart from a tunnel that smells like a bedroom filled to the brim with open bottles of nail varnish, graff art at every turn that involuntary causes the mouth to catch flies.

Kasia, pictured below (the girl seated at the very back of the Kawasaki with the broadest smile), one of the organisers of Hip Hop Says will hopefully be organising another jam that will magnetically pull artists from all corners of the Earth together through love of adorning public walls with vivid colours.


It’s amazing and inspiring to see how all ideas start as a seed and as similar minded people join forces, this seed is watered with prospects and opportunities. This analogy is applicable with Kasia’s vision to hold a graffiti jam. When combined with the input of Mark One Szo, a graffiti artist based in Ireland, another instalment of Hip Hop Says was born.

Previous jams have included skateboard ramps, Lady Leshurr and myriad of graffiti artists with backpacks that clink furiously waiting to be unleashed.

This video encompasses the overall feel, vibe and approach to a Hip Hop Says event: laid back, creative and colourful. A peek at what it would have been like if you had been at the last Hip Hop Says meet at the infamous Leake Street tunnel, filled wall to wall with graffiti art, visit and witness the power of carefully crafted spray can canvases.

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